
03335565564: What You Need to Know

If you’ve come across the number 03335565564, you might be wondering who is calling and why. This article will provide you with all the necessary information to understand the origin of the calls, their purpose, and how to handle them. This number is commonly associated with Lowell Financial, a debt collection agency, and it is crucial to know how to respond if you receive a call from this number.

Who Is Calling from “03335565564”?

The phone number 03335565564 is linked to Lowell Financial, a company that specializes in debt collection. They purchase debts from various organizations, including credit card companies, utility providers, and other financial institutions. Once they acquire a debt, they contact the debtor to collect the owed amount. This is a legitimate company operating within the bounds of UK law, but it’s essential to approach their calls with caution and knowledge.

Why Are You Receiving Calls from “03335565564”?

If you are receiving calls from 03335565564, it is likely because Lowell Financial believes you owe a debt. The company typically purchases debt that other companies have been unable to collect, and its role is to recover these amounts. These calls can be stressful, especially if you are unaware of any outstanding debts. However, it’s important to handle these situations carefully and ensure that the debt is legitimate before taking any action.

How to handle calls from 03335565564:

You believe you owe the debtVerify the debt by requesting written confirmation, then negotiate a payment plan with Lowell Financial.
You don’t recognize the debtDispute the debt in writing and ask Lowell Financial for proof.
You can’t afford to pay the debtContact Lowell Financial to discuss repayment options or a possible settlement.
You’re being harassed by callsRequest in writing that Lowell Financial stop contacting you, and report to the Financial Ombudsman if necessary.

How to Verify the Legitimacy of the Calls


Before you engage with any debt collection agency, including those calling from 03335565564, you should verify the legitimacy of the debt. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Request Information: Ask for written confirmation of the debt. Legitimate debt collectors are required by law to provide you with details of the debt in writing.
  2. Check Your Records: Cross-reference the information provided with your financial records. Ensure that the debt they are claiming matches your records.
  3. Consult the Original Creditor: If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of the debt, contact the original creditor. They can confirm whether they sold the debt to Lowell Financial.
  4. Seek Professional Advice: If the situation is unclear or if you feel pressured, it’s advisable to seek professional advice. Financial advisors or legal professionals can guide how to handle debt collection calls.

What to Do If You Owe the Debt

If you determine that the debt is legitimate, you should take steps to address it. Ignoring the calls from 03335565564 can lead to further complications, including additional fees or legal action. Here’s what you can do:

  • Contact Lowell Financial: Reach out to the company to discuss repayment options. They might offer a payment plan or a settlement option to resolve the debt.
  • Make Payments: If you agree to a repayment plan, ensure that you make payments on time to avoid further issues.
  • Keep Records: Maintain a record of all communications and payments. This can be useful if there are any disputes or if you need to provide evidence of payment.

What to Do If You Don’t Owe the Debt

In some cases, you might be contacted by 03335565564 even if you don’t owe the debt. This can happen due to errors in their records or mistaken identity. Here’s how to handle this situation:

  • Dispute the Debt: You have the right to dispute the debt if you believe it is not yours. Inform Lowell Financial in writing, and they are required to investigate and provide evidence of the debt.
  • Report Harassment: If the calls continue despite your dispute, you can report the company for harassment. The Financial Ombudsman Service can assist in these cases.
  • Seek Legal Help: If the situation escalates or if you feel that your rights are being violated, consider seeking legal advice to protect yourself.

Why Would Lowell Financial Call You?

If you are receiving calls from 03335565564, it’s important to understand the reasons behind it. Debt collection agencies like Lowell Financial contact individuals when they have purchased a debt that the individual has not paid. This could happen for several reasons:

  1. Unpaid Bills: If you have outstanding bills that have gone unpaid, the original creditor may have sold the debt to Lowell Financial.
  2. Missed Payments: Even if you’ve made payments in the past, missing one or more payments could result in your debt being transferred to a collection agency.
  3. Verification: Sometimes, Lowell Financial may call to verify details or gather more information related to the debt they’ve acquired.

Understanding Your Rights When Dealing with Debt Collectors

It’s important to know your rights when dealing with debt collectors like those who might call from 03335565564. In the UK, debt collection agencies must follow strict guidelines. They cannot harass you or use threatening language. You also have the right to request that all communications be done in writing, which can give you more control over the situation. Understanding these rights can help you manage the situation more effectively and reduce the stress associated with debt collection calls.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I receiving calls from 03335565564 when I don’t owe any money?

If you’re receiving calls from 03335565564 but don’t owe any money, it could be a case of mistaken identity or incorrect information. Contact Lowell Financial to clarify the situation.

What should I do if I can’t afford to pay the debt?

If you’re unable to pay the debt in full, you can negotiate a repayment plan with Lowell Financial. They may offer a payment schedule that fits your financial situation.

Can Lowell Financial take legal action against me?

Yes, if the debt is legitimate and remains unpaid, Lowell Financial may take legal action to recover the owed amount. It’s important to address the situation promptly to avoid this outcome.

How can I stop calls from 03335565564?

If you’ve resolved the debt or if the calls are in error, you can request that Lowell Financial stop contacting you. If the calls persist, you can report them to the Financial Ombudsman Service.


Receiving calls from 03335565564 can be unsettling, especially if you are not expecting them. However, understanding who is calling and why can help you manage the situation effectively. Whether you owe the debt or not, it’s crucial to verify the legitimacy of the claim, communicate clearly with the caller, and seek professional advice if necessary. By taking these steps, you can protect yourself and ensure that you handle the situation appropriately.

In conclusion, always approach calls from 03335565564 with caution. Whether you owe the debt or not, knowing your rights and the correct steps to take will help you navigate the situation with confidence.

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